Our Terms & Conditions

Booking T&C’s

(we ask that you kindly read these ahead of your appointment with us!)

  • Any cancellation within 24 hours of the appointment will incur a cancellation fee. This fee is: Nails & beauty - £10, Hair - 50%.

  • Upon booking any appointment with luscious, you many be asked for a deposit to confirm the booking at staff discretion. This is non-transferable and non-refundable.

  • We understand that especially around the holidays, clients can have childcare issues but we kindly ask that you do not bring your children to your appointment. Our salon is an unsafe environment for young children due to chemicals on the desks, hot wax, hot hair tools etc. We want everyone’s experience at Luscious to be as relaxing as possible!

  • A patch test must be completed at least 24hours prior to any lash lift or tint appointments.